Thursday, October 15, 2015

Difficulties of being a parent that doesn't participate in gender conformities...

Greetings members of the Homeland!

I know it's been a while and I feel like I only write when i'm stressed, sorry we keep meeting this way.
Today's topic is a little touchy so if you are easily offended (which is most likely not the case since you are here) then I suggest you move on to another blog.

In my household we don't conform to any specific gender or what someone believes should only belong to a certain group of people based off of something that is backwards anyway. Most people associate "blue" with boys and "pink" with girls, why I could not begin to understand. In fact this is backwards. Blue was once thought of as dainty and delicate being prettier for girls and pink was stronger and better for boys. Now a days if you go into a store you will see pink dresses and shirt in the girls clothing sections and Barbie's, horses and princess items in the toy section. Now if you were to go onto the boys side you would see blue shirts and suits in the clothing section and sports items, guns and a tougher breed of animals/dolls (I may not be able to even use the word "dolls" here). Who is it that decided girls can't be cops or service members bent on protecting others or get dirty on the football field scoring a goal and I don't mean in some stupid powder puff game where girls are expected to dress as tramps and prance around for men to look at? Who says boys cant play dress up whether its dolls or themselves or be a cheerleader? Who are we to tell someone they are wrong for wanting to wear or play with something that others view as wrong? The correct answer here is, No we have no right to tell someone how to feel or what they can wear or do. Soldiers put their lives on the line everyday to protect our freedoms and damn it that includes our freedom to wear and do as we please and NOT to have to answer others criticizing questions when you let your child do just that.

This whole thing has stemmed from the most recent incident with my son and his bus driver. My son has been riding the same bus for two years and has had most the same style the whole time. His wardrobe consists of three piece suits, basketball sets, zombie shirts and Jordans as well as pink snow boots and zebra flip flops with pink glitter thongs. I remember when he first wore his pink boots which he stole from his sister (with her permission of course). He absolutely LOVED those pink snow boots with pink fur at the top and refused to wear much else for a long time. He wore these boot to the grocery store, school, the playground and church. Fast forward a few months later and we are at the department store getting my daughter new flip flops as hers had finally died. Like any other child my son wanted new flip flops as well and i figured what the hell its $10. He looked through the aisles while his sister did the same but once she tried and settled on a pair of zebra flip flops with pink glitter thongs my son was immediately sold and quickly asked to have a matching pair. That day my children were so happy and left the store wearing their new shoes and even excitedly posed for a picture highlighting them. My son wore those shoes everywhere just as he had done with his boots. I even found myself toting a 5 yr in a dress shirt, khakis and zebra flip flops to church one sunday where he proudly showed all his friends his new shoes. Some people may think this makes me a bad parent and criticize my methods but I don't care for my child is happy and that's all I DO care about.

Yesterday I received a phone call from the assistant principal at my sons school at 0915 just around an hour after school had started. She informed me there was an incident on the bus involving my son. SHe went on to explain to me that my child had brought a fake wedding set to school with him (which I gave him permission to do as they were his as long at he kept them on his fingers and did not cause a distraction with them)  and his bus driver didn't believe him when he said they were his and made him hand them over. My daughter was on the bus and corroborated his statements. I informed the VP that I gave him permission and that they where in fact his and she needed to return them to my child which she stated she would pass on to the driver. Now my child was so distraught about losing his property that he said he wanted to die and that he was going to drown himself in the school pond. The rest of his day was shaped by this unnecessary act this bus driver felt the need to do before pulling out from in front of my driveway where she could have easily consulted me.

This incident marks the THIRD time this same driver has taken things from my son, one of those resulting in my child being the only one to state she took something and the item wasn't returned for two days. My son had a bangle with a large ruby studded heart taken from him as well as a necklace with a heart charm on it. This driver has seen him wear shoes that she may consider not geared toward his gender so why would she feel the need to take jewelry from him even after his sister says they are his? My son has asked every time before he takes jewelry to school TO WEAR and each time he has had them taken away.

I cant help but think this driver is bullying him for having "feminine" items as she never has an issue when he brings his football or gun casings to show his teacher. With this pattern what is a mom to think? I respect the fact that she has her own opinions and she is entitled to them but what she is not entitled to is imposing them on my child. If she has an issue with what he is wearing then she should bite her tongue in my child's presence and complain when she gets home. Bus drivers and teachers are just as important as parents and civil servants. Officers have a lot of influence on children and they are constantly analyzed. Bus drivers are the first people outside of a home that most children encounter on a school day and the last one when they come home. Their behavior can make or break that child for the day and when they abuse that children can get hurt. School age children are very impressionable and telling a child they are lying because an item they have doesn't fall in what you perceive as normal is not ok.

Please think twice when interacting with children as that one "innocent" comment can lead to a lifetime of self worth issues among other things such as suicide. Treat others children as you would want yours to be treated and lets not teach them to color in the lines, life has no lines.


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